Jul 31, 2019 Shiv Nadar School Faridabad Joy of Sharing The Joy of Sharing has a very special reason attached to it for us. Our founder Mr.Shiv Nadar's birthday falls on [...]
Jul 26, 2019 Shiv Nadar School Faridabad "Warriors are not born, they are made in INDIAN.. Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey lost his life while fighting in Kargil. He said:” If death strikes before I prove my [...]
May 8, 2019 Shiv Nadar School Faridabad “Motherhood: All love begins and end there.” The day that recognizes the essence of a mother was celebrated in high spirits and happiness which [...]
Feb 27, 2019 Shiv Nadar School Faridabad Coffee Evenings with Parents   Shiv Nadar School firmly believes in building a strong culture of parent-school engagement.  A [...]
Feb 9, 2019 Shiv Nadar School Noida Parent Representative Group - Thanksgiving The goals of Parent Partnership Programme is to engage parents more fully in the child welfare and provide support , [...]
