Sahir Prasad of Grade 3 secured first position in Under 8 boys category in the District Inter School Chess [...]
Gurtej Singh of Grade 7 won Best Batsman of the Tournament in 1st SJB Memorial TEST Tournament Under -15. He scored [...]
Tavish Pahwa made a clean sweep in the AITA Super Series tournament. He won the U-12 Singles and U-14 Doubles title [...]
4 students won the Atal Smriti Cricket Tournament Under-14.
Tanish Chawla
Gurtej [...]
Tavish Pahwa of Grade 6 won a Double Crown at the 16th MSLTA Ramesh Desai Memorial Under-12 Junior Tennis [...]
6 students have been awarded the Outstanding Performance Certificates, 13 have been awarded Distinguished [...]
Tavish Pahwa of Grade 6 recently won the prestigious National Series Tennis Tournament which was held in Karnal in [...]
HCL Jigsaw is a new pioneering program with an objective of building a culture of problem solving in the country, [...]
Tavish Pahwa of Grade 6 won the AITA Championship Series U-14 Tennis Tournament that he played this week at Major [...]
State Championship (School Games Federation of India) and Association Games 2021 - 22
FOOTBALL (Under [...]
Congratulations Gurtej!
Gurtej, a Grade 6 child - In Greater Valley Cricket [...]
Ashutosh Sundersh of Grade X participated in the Concours Romain Rolland Examination French Exam [...]
Gurtej Singh of Grade 6 and Tanish Chawla of Grade 8 have made us proud once again in Cricket. The children [...]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA has recognised Pranet Pahwa and his team as the winner of MIT APP [...]
HCL Jigsaw is a new pioneering program with an objective of building a culture of problem solving in the country, [...]
Avviraaj Kalia of Grade 1 was placed 'Winner' in the 22nd Greens to Glory Junior Golf Tournamnet held at Classic [...]
Pranet Pahwag of Grade 5 has been recognised by IIT Bhubaneswar and Super Teacher.
He has secured Second [...]
Oviya Walia of Grade 3 Secured Two Bronze Medals in the 34th District Roller Skating Championship held at [...]
Students worked on Nuclear and Climate Change. A team of 3 of our students presented a project on the working of a [...]
Sanchit Kapoor’s (Grade 8) discovery is one of the only 11 discoveries that has been confirmed as provisional [...]
– 1 Runner up in 1 Attempt: Grade 10 designed a project named "SAFE". It is a Self - Sanitising Automatic [...]