School Comes Alive!
Shiv Nadar School Faridabad is surging forward to successfully close Term 1 of this Academic Session. While the Middle school Students have concluded their Feedback Cycle 2 last week and the Senior School started today, I am happy to share with you that we had 96% attendance of students from grades 9 to 11 to write their mid term exams, on campus.
The reopening of the school campus has been planned and curated in a deeply considered and measured way. For all grades, we have first begun with the Sports Program. To experience the campus, enjoy the vastness and openness especially when the children have been in a 'locked in' mode, has helped them a great deal to reorient, recalibrate, return to campus, with the new safety protocols in place.
For the last few weeks, the footfall of grades 4 to 8 on campus for structured games and team sport activities has been a delight to witness. We start with Sports Classes for Grades 1 to 3 as well from today.
Encouraged by the success of our upended safety provisions and teacher turn out ratio on the campus.
We are keen to open in a staggered and balanced way, without haste, keeping safety of all stakeholders in sharp focus.