RS Zoom Postcard: Bridgebuilding in STEM

In today's rapidly evolving world, STEAM fields play a critical role in innovation and progress. However, equitable representation in these areas remains a significant challenge, with marginalized groups often facing obstacles in pursuing STEAM-related activities. The "Building Bridges in STEAM" event was organized to address this issue by fostering inclusivity, diversity, and equity.

As a part of Round Square, RS Zoom Postcard was organized by St. Mildred’s-Lightbourn School in Canada

The participants included students from the US, Australia, Canada, Japan other schools from India.

The participants were put in breakout rooms. First, a scavenger hunt was conducted, where students had to identify clues and answer questions about STEM and its progression. This was followed by a discussion on the marginalized communities in the field of STEM.

Such communities chosen by the various groups included LGBTQ+, Economically Disadvantaged Students, and Female Students.


The "Building Bridges in STEAM" event achieved significant outcomes:

a. Increased Engagement: The marginalized groups should be given more opportunities to be a part of STEM initiatives

b. Networking and Mentorship: Several LGBTQ+ and economically disadvantaged students if establish meaningful connections with mentors and peers, this will lead to increased confidence and support in pursuing STEAM education and careers.

c. Raising Awareness: The event contributed to raising awareness about the importance of diversity and inclusion in STEAM fields, emphasizing the need for ongoing efforts to bridge the gaps.

The "Building Bridges in STEAM" event served as a stepping stone towards creating a more inclusive and equitable environment for marginalized groups in the STEAM fields. By fostering engagement, providing support, and raising awareness, we have taken a significant stride toward a more diverse and representative STEAM community.

As we move forward, it is essential to continue these efforts, building bridges that lead to a brighter, more inclusive future in STEAM for everyone.

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