Round Square Postcard on Ways to Speak your truth from The British Overseas School in Pakistan
Speak Your Truth was a language based Round square Event, where the shortlisted students were asked to prepare about the expression and the medium they feel comfortable with when they have to express their thoughts and emotions. Students came up with some expressive written pieces for the event. Ms. Nadia Khan, a leading Pakistani designer was on the panel and she talked about her journey to fame through her work. She talked about the medium she felt most comfortable with as her channel of expression-her designs. Her journey was quite inspirational and our students had some takeaways. Ms. Khan later also opened the forum for some questions where our students asked her some insightful questions and she replied to them (pictures of the questions asked attached below).The discussion was moderated by the students and then later on the students were sent to separate breakout rooms where they interacted with their peers from world over. They discussed about their own medium of expression and participated in ice breaking activities.The experience was an enriching one interacting with the guest speaker as well as students from all over the world.