Learn, Explore, Innovate and Evolve
Middle and Senior Clubs-SNS,Faridabad Shiv Nadar School, Faridabad, with the motto to ’Learn,Explore, Innovate and Evolve’ has launched several school clubs for middle and senior school students in 2022. The clubs are teacher as well as student lead and aim to provide a holistic as well as enjoyable learning experience to its students. The teachers and students worked hard to pitch the clubs during the first few weeks of the new session. Everyone was awed at the innovation and inspiring ideas presented during these meetings. Some of the senior clubs, namely; All About Paisa, Art and Calligraphy,Western Music Admiration club,Shikshan, MUN, brought forward the various interests amongst our student community as well as highlighted their social consciousness.
Senior students presented their clubs with passion and zest and the WildCats Hall was alight with buzz. Middle school students also got a chance to showcase their leadership skills by pitching the clubs. Some of the student led middle school clubs are Photography, Hit the food(Dance), Graphics and Animation,Paleontology,etc. Looking at the confidence exuded by these budding scientists,dancers alike, it could very well be said that they are moving towards a well rounded future. After all clubs were pitched, students and teachers were asked to choose and join a club of their interest and finally the first club meeting of the session at Shiv Nadar School Faridabad was held on 19th May, 2022.
Voices filled with excitement could be heard in the corridors with students and teachers rushing with enthusiasm towards their club venues. For sure, these clubs will lead to formation of small communities filled with valuable insights, unity and teamwork.