Joy of Sharing
We, at Shiv Nadar School, have always believed in imparting everlasting learning to our students, and what better premise to do so than the birthday of our founder, Mr. Shiv Nadar. Every year, the school celebrates the ‘Joy of Sharing’ week around the special day, 14th July, wherein we all come together like tributaries forming a river of knowledge that is based on ‘sharing’. We intend each member of the school, students and staff, to partake in the revelry of joyous sharing and take a leaf out of the book of life of a legendry person, who has tirelessly worked to give thousands a better future. We wish each child to embrace and contribute to the unflinching belief that forms one of our greatest strengths – knowledge grows by sharing.
This year not only enhanced our celebrations by extending them to the entire month, it also cemented our belief further, thanks to the honest undertakings of our innocent young learners! Be it gardening or cooking, craft or music, exploring age-friendly apps or authoring their own stories – our students proved their mettle across a plethora of fields. Here’s how their endeavors at sharing their knowledge with their peers became our privileged opportunity to gather a sea of timeless memories!