How To Raise Smarter Kids - Dr Inderbir Sandhu
To understand and help them attain their ward's true potential, PRG held an interaction with renowned Psychologist Dr. Inderbir Sandhu for the. parents of Grade Nursery to V which was attended by more than 100 enthusiastic parents. Dr. Sandhu shared her valuable inputs with parents and educators on how to unlock the true potential of a child – her talk was based on her recent book The Secrets to Raising a Smarter Child and she took the audience through several tools to make the best of your child’s natural abilities and harness all the dormant talents. These included valuable tips such as keeping the body hydrated to improve brain activity and how physical games especially table tennis and juggling maximize brain development. She also spoke about the effects of unstructured play, music, sleeping, and neuro-aerobics has on developing all parts of the brain.