Chaos versus Peace - Workshop by Ms Radhika Singh
The "chaos versus peace" workshop.
It's all about finding the tranquillity in the chaos.
A student's life is full of chaos, transforming this chaos into peace was the crux of the session held by Ms. Radhika Singh for the students of Gr. 9 and 11 of Shiv Nadar School Gurugram.
Ms. Singh is an author and one of the premier mind coaches of India. A lady who wears many hats, that of a coach, Hypnotist, therapist, teacher, with a body of work spanning over 2 decades. She conducted a series of entertaining and exciting activities with student participation. These activities were aimed at improving the students’ concentration, patience and bringing forth inner peace. Ms. Singh taught the children a technique to relax and channelize their energies into positive directions.