Clean As You Go- Gandhi Ji's 150th birthday celebration

'An Ounce of Practice is Better than Tons of Advice'

Our celebration of Gandhiji's life is focused on his belief, that you must 'Be the change you want to see.' The day of 2nd October began with meditative listening to 'Sarvadharma Prarthana and Vaishnava Janato', by students, parents and staff, who then set out, together, to clean the area around the outer walls of the School and the adjoining areas, sharing the message for a cleaner, greener environment through their action on ground.

To include people from the neighbouring village and invite the neighbourhood tea seller in providing freshly made tea to the shramsevaks supports our belief that 'it takes an entire village to raise a child'. The  tribute to the Father of the Nation on his 150th birth anniversary is a resolve of the entire community of learners - students, staff and parents - to live Gandhi through the Head, Heart and Hand, each day.