Citation Ceremony, Pride of 2020-21

The citation ceremony held on 17 July was a formal farewell for the “Pride of 2021” by all their mentors and educators at school. An online YouTube broadcast began with a message from the trustee, Mr. Shikhar Malhotra. 

Heart-warming moments followed when their first few teachers from the past years conveyed their best wishes. The teachers shared anecdotes and unforgettable memories urging the students to always give their best in life.

After the invocation song - a video of their childhood memories at school was played. This was followed by the class teachers reading out citations for each and every student highlighting the special qualities and talents as well as their hopes for the future. 

The foot-tapping song ‘Jeruselama’ was performed by teachers who taught the batch over the years to remind them of the spirit of hope and resilience that characterizes the essence of an SNS student. In keeping with our tradition, students were presented with mementos.

The closing of the online ceremony was marked by the choir students singing a song wishing their peers good luck for the future. 

Senior Secondary