

These are the components of what is called 'the element'. Translated into the language of educators, it simply means that if a child has an aptitude for something, and a passion for it; if he has the right attitude and the opportunity to experience it, he will be in his 'element'

When people are in their element, they connect with something fundamental to their sense of identity, purpose and well-being. Being there provides a sense of self-revelation, of defining who they really are and what they are meant to be doing with their lives. Hence, finding one's element is essential to one's well-being and ultimate success - Ken Robinson

The AHA! Programme at Shiv Nadar School is a defining feature of our educational outlook

It's a co-scholastic programme that enables children to discover their passions and talents and gradually build their interest and expertise in those very areas, which include the performing arts, visual arts, sports and clubs and which complements classroom transactions.

The programme works to enhance cognitive, aesthetic and cultural skills in our students. Eventually, the process connects them to a fuller sense of identity, purpose, and overall well-being, to find their ELEMENT.

Aha! Programme

Visual Arts

The art and craft curriculum envelops our students in classical, contemporary, folk and tribal art forms.

It catalyses imagination and appreciation of the arts by engaging students through performing, creating, responding and interconnecting. Pottery and craftwork sessions give impetus to students to explore and design independently. For the students, it is a journey both of fun and discovering their aptitude and passion. The programme works through a multi-pronged approach comprising baseline co-scholastic classes, after school classes and summer camps.

Performing Arts

Music, Dance and Theatre are integral to the Co-Scholastic curriculum.

Music is essentially a collaborative, interpersonal activity. It develops social skills through group performance and composing projects where ideas, instruments and specific skills are shared. The Aha! space offers students an engagement with Indian classical and folk music as well as Western music, both vocal and instrumental.

Dance is the culmination of movement, music, expression, literature, mythology, philosophy, and rhythm. At Shiv Nadar School, our intent is to use dance as a tool for enhancement of concentration, mental alertness and physical agility. Different classical and international dance forms make up the dance curriculum.

Theatre deepens understanding of the world and the inner self. In our theatre modules, young people gain significant experiences through carefully planned role play, theatre exercises, body and voice control and spontaneous group enactments. Students are encouraged to write their own scripts, enact plays and participate in stage programmes.


In the Aha! sports programme, a child gets to explore multiple sports in the initial period. Moving forward, they choose a particular sport for the entire year. This lets the children experience many sports before they realise where their forte and passion lies. The sports selection is based on a two-way process – talent identification by the coaches and the child’s own interest.

GRADE 9-11

Internalise the intricacies of the chosen area of specialization through focused learning.


discover your passion and choose one specialization from your field of interest.


explore multiple genres within the chosen field of visual or performing arts.


Experience the fields of dance, music, theatre and visual arts.